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Wake Up Church!
Islam’s Comin’


Dr. Jay Worth Allen

. . . Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you;
and you shall be hated of all nations for my name's sake.
. . . But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved. . . .
(Matthew 24:3-14).

Michigan police arrest Christians for talking to Muslims.

Four Christians were arrested and jailed for talking to Muslims about Jesus, by order of police chief Ronald Haddad of Dearborn Michigan, who defended the arrests one week after the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals ordered those same police to let Christian evangelist George Saieg preach openly at a Muslim festival there.

"We didn't distribute literature, or preach anything," said one of the four jailed evangelists.  "We spoke only to those people who first approached us, we talked only about Jesus' love . . . and within minutes we were handcuffed and jailed."  But Haddad was unrepentant.  "We did make four arrests for disorderly conduct," Haddad said.  "They did cause a stir" [with their free speech about Jesus.  Is talking quietly about Jesus now disorderly, just because some Muslims get angry?

"Allah Akbar!" shouted two Muslims as the Christians were taken away in handcuffs, by police who also seized the Christians' video camera evidence and refused to return video footage of the arrests.

Live video is now on YouTube of another group of three evangelists being detained by the same police the very next day, because they distributed the Gospel of John on a public sidewalk outside the Muslim festival.  This new video got 15,000 hits in 3 days, after the police told those being held that city policy states Christian literature is not allowed within 5 city blocks of the Muslim festival, creating a "banned-Bible zone" in violation of the First Amendment.

"The police are enforcing Sharia law in America," said one of the four arrested Christians, explaining that Muslim Sharia law is not just about putting Burkas on women, but also prohibits anyone from talking to Muslims about Jesus, and prevents listeners from escaping Islam by converting to any other religion.

Richard Thompson, President of the Thomas More Law Center, defends the Christians from the ministry called Acts 17, saying:  "Contrary to the comments made by Police Chief Ron Haddad, our Constitution does not allow police to ban the right of free speech just because there are some hecklers.  Not all police officers approve of the way their department treated these Christians."  Richard Thompson also stated that, "Judge Paul Borman had affirmed the city's ban on handing out Christian material near the festival.  It was last year when Dearborn police threatened Saieg with arrest if he handed out information on Christianity near the event."  The city's ban was temporarily restrained by the Sixth Circuit, but the Police ignored the court, saying the TRO (Temporary Restraining Order) only applied to Saieg, not to any other Christians.

Arrested on charges of "Breach of the Peace" are:  Negeen Mayel, Dr. Nabeel Qureshi, Paul Rezkalla, and David Wood.  Thomas More Law Center reports Mayel, an eighteen year old female, whose parents emigrated from Afghanistan and a recent convert from Islam to Christianity, was also charged with failure to obey a police officer’s orders, because she raised her voice while being physically violated.  She was approximately 100 feet away and videotaping a discussion with some Muslims when her camera was seized.

We, the Church, must get our heads out of the temporal and into the sacred, before we are hauled off to camps for the narrow-minded intolerant.

Note:  Dr. Jay was one of the fellow workers, along with Dr. Ralph Winter, director of The Center For World Missions, in birthing "Perspectives", a college/study course dedicated solely to getting the Gospel into Islam and Islamic countries.  This course has gone into many countries and thousands of people have been liberated from the bondage of Islamic teachings due directly from the fruit of this course.



Wake Up Church!  Islam’s Comin’
Published:  25 June 2010 on Freed In Christ! blogsite.

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