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The Ladies of Islam

(Part Three of Islam Series)


Dr. Jay Worth Allen

The Islamists are very proud of their U. S. News exposure, though the cover stories of late feature some of their most obscure and least typical looking Zealot members.  Given the chance to present their viewers with a really unnerving tableau, the News Media instead goes with Feisal Abdul Rauf, a guy who looks and talks like Ben Bernanke’s long lost brother.  Feisal may be photogenic, but to foster him off as a typical Islamist Warrior is like re-shooting “Mad Max” with Bill Murray playing the lead instead of Mel Gibson.  Feisal ain’t the honest-to-Allah face of Islam.

The Qur’an, in defiance to The New York Times, commands its loyal male henchmen to wage war in the name of Allah against all non-Muslims.  Decked out, not in Giorgio Armani but rather Bedouin head-scarfs, screaming bloody murder through unshaved kissers.  Like savage commandos in the grip of a Book of myths, they are ordered to bring all un-believers to their knees!  And if the Angel of Death happens to appear during a holy turf war, the virile Mohammedan is guaranteed more virgins in paradise than he can shake his sword at.

Okay, that’s great for the red-blooded Islamic guys, but what about the ladies of Islam?  What’s their fate in the mystical mind of Muhammad?

According to Islam:  Men are superior to women, and a wife is the possession of her husband: “Fair in the eyes of men is the love of things they covet:  Women and sons; heaped-up hoards of gold and silver; horses. . . “ (Sura 3:14).  But, if a dog or a woman touches a Muslim man’s prayer mat he must, without further ado, wash himself.

Islam teaches that it is acceptable for a modern Islamic husband to beat the living daylights out of his wife and abstain from sexual relations with her, if she refuses to make herself beautiful for him; if she refused to meet her husband’s sexual demands; or, if she happens to leave the house without his permission.  “. . . As to those women on whose part you fear disloyalty and ill-conduct, admonish them, refuse to share their beds, beat them” (Sura 4:34).

An Islamic woman cannot pray during her monthly cycle as she is considered unclean.

Islam considers the wife a sex object.  “Your wives are as a tilth (a field to be ploughed) unto you, so approach your tilth when or how you will” (Sura 2:23).

A Muslim husband may divorce his wife by oral pronouncement.  However, the Qur’an does not offer the same right to the wife.  “It may be, if he divorced you that Allah will give him in exchange consorts better than you . . .” (Sura 66:5).

A woman’s body is “Awrah” (pudenda) according to the Hadiths (Muhammad’s sayings):  “It is natural that the sighting of a woman’s body arouses men and creates an uncontrollable sexual urge.  This urge is specially very acute in Muslim men due to their higher sexual potency.  Allah gives all Muslim men a higher libido.”

Because of this unstoppable Islamic perk in the Muslim male, if a woman is raped, she is considered guilty of adultery, unless she can provide four adult Muslim male witnesses, who watched the attack, and, who will testify that the sex was actually forced on her and that she was not a willing partner.  If she has only female witnesses, she is out of luck.  Her punishment is stoning to death if she is married, or one hundred (100) lashes if she is single.

Recently, a 19 year old girl was gang raped repeatedly by six men in Saudi Arabia and was given a punishment of 200 lashes and six months in prison (the punishment was increased because she was raped by more than one sexually proficient Muslim male).

Sex with captured women or slave girls is given the green light in Islam (Suras 4.24, 4.3, 23.6, 33.50, 70.30).  So, if a 19 year old rape victim is imprisoned, or any other woman is incarcerated for any other reason, she qualifies as a captured woman and sex with her becomes Halal (religiously acceptable):  an Islamic fringe benefit for prison officials and guards who must work long hours at low pay.

Islamic women are to always veil themselves when they are outside of their homes.  In certain situations, it’s mandatory, even when in their own homes:   “And say to the believing women that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty; that they should not display their beauty and ornaments except what appear thereof; that they should draw their veils over their bosoms and not display their beauty . . .” (Sura 24:31)  “O prophet!  Tell your wives and daughters, and the believing women, that they should cast their outer garments over their persons” (Sura 33:59).

Islam teaches that the Qur’an is the Constitution.  Allah is the author of the Law and the State is the agent to implement Allah’s laws.  In Islam, there is no separation between Church and State (Surah 12:40).

The farther away Islam roams from their own turf, the more likely they are to cause panic.  Islam is growing rapidly in America.  Locally you can run across Islamic-veiled women walking the isles of our local Wal-mart.  It’s just a matter of time before Islam will become the religion of the majority.  America will then be labeled an “Islamic country.”  It will be ruled by the “Qur’an” and the “Hadith,” or what Muslims call the “Sharia” law (the Islamic code of ethics).  Then all of our beautiful, blonde California gals can stay home and tend to their chores like good Islamic housewives should:  draped in a hijab and burqa to completely cover their head, face and body, of course.


    * See the following article from The Christian Post regarding a Pakistan woman, who was sentenced to death for blaspheming the prophet Muhammad.  Her name is Asia Bibi.  She's is a Christian - her muslim co-field-workers falsly accused her and have her awaiting execution.  On November 22, 2010, Pakistani president, Asif Ali Zardari pardoned her, but as of November 29, 2010, she has not yet been released.    (The Christian Post 26 November 2010) and (The Christian Post 29 November 2010)


The Ladies of Islam
Article written:  16-17 September 2010 / *not yet published on Freed In Christ! blogsite.

Published:  30 September 2010 in The County Journal.
(Part Three of the author's ISLAM SERIES)

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