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The Doctrines of Grace

“Salvation is of the Lord.”
(Jonah 2:9)

“These Doctrines of Grace are written for those who bow to the authority of God’s Holy Writ.  They are but a small piece of God’s theological pie, yet, they are an extremely important slice, which most accurately reflects the teaching of the scriptures concerning the nature of God’s sovereignty in the Redemption of His saints.”

Dr. Jay Worth Allen, 3 January 2011


The Doctrines of Grace (Part One)
God is Sovereign
(An introduction into the Doctrines of Grace)

The Doctrines of Grace (Part Two)
Eternal Security of the Believer / Some History
(Jacobus Arminius, John Calvin, and the Apostle Paul)

The Doctrines of Grace (Part Three)
Practical Application of the Teaching of Scripture
(Kerygma, John Calvin's T.U.L.I.P., and the D.A.I.S.Y.)

The Doctrines of Grace (Part Four)
Total Depravity
(The Righteousness of God is all that God demands.)

The Doctrines of Grace (Part Five)
Unconditional Election
("Salvation is of the Lord." Jonah 2:9)

The Doctrines of Grace (Part Six)
Limited Atonement (Particular Redemption)
(“God Loves Everyone”)

The Doctrines of Grace (Part Seven)
Limited Atonement
(For whom did Christ die?)

The Doctrines of Grace (Part Eight)
Irresistible Grace / Perseverance of the Saints
(God will not be disappointed.)

The Doctrines of Grace (Part Nine)
The Gospel of the Apostle Paul
(God is Sovereign and He does what He pleases.)


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